Can I get a loan for a manufactured Home??
Yes, as long as the manufactured home meets some requirements (see below)
General Eligibility requirements:
Property CANNOT be located in a mobile home park.
built on or after June 15, 1976
home and land must be purchased simultaneously
Subordinate financing is NOT permitted.
Appraisal waivers are NOT permitted
Condos, PUDs, leaseholds, and 2-4 units are NOT permitted.
Must be a Multi-Width propertiy
permanently affixed to the foundation
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest
Conventional loan – eleigibility requirements
Minimum Credit score: 640+ FICO
ONLY primary residents and secondary homes.
NO variances may be used.
FHA Loan – eleigibility requirements
Minimum Credit score: 620+ FICO
the subject property cannot be located in a flood zone
NO variances may be used.
USDA Loan- eleigibility requirements
Minimum Credit score: 620+ FICO
ONLY primary residents and secondary homes.
VA Loan- eleigibility requirements
Minimum Credit score: 620+ FICO